Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Dear Food I am writing you to tell you to please stop causing me pain. Please stop hurting me, and leaving me in misery. I want to like you again. I want to enjoy you, and share you with others. I want to cook you, and smell you, and taste you. Right now I hate you. Your so mean to me. I sometimes wish you didn't exist. I know you are a necessity to live, and that is the only reason I keep you around. I want to enjoy you at the Holidays. I used to love to over indulge on you at Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. Now I dread seeing you there. You are just a tease on the table staring at me. I see you in the fridge. I see you at the store. I see you everywhere I go. I used to savor you in my mouth. I made memories when I ate you. Now the memories I make, are not ones I choose to remember. Our relationship is very strained. I want to get back to the way it used to be. I know it is not all your fault. My body is at fault too. Maybe I should be writing this letter to my body instead. After all my body is the one that has failed me, not you.